This week is National ASB Awareness Week

This week is National ASB Awareness Week, an initiative designed to encourage communities to take a stand against antisocial behaviour (ASB) and highlight effective actions that can be taken by those affected by it.
ASB encompasses a range of disruptive behaviours, including excessive noise, verbal abuse or physical violence. It also covers damage to homes and using our properties for illegal purposes such as drug or alcohol-related antisocial behaviour.
Earlier this year, our Community Involvement and Investment Team in partnership with the Localities Teams, successfully completed a series of customer roadshows. These events were designed to engage with communities across the region. Over 120 customers attended our roadshows which took place in several locations including Daventry, Wiltshire, Gloucester, Dudley, Birmingham, Chippenham, Walsall, and Banbury. We received over 370 pieces of feedback from our customers at these events.
One of the recurring themes and key pieces of feedback we received from our customers roadshows was the issue of ASB and activities relating to ASB. Below were the key themes:
Fly tipping and litter
Drugs and criminal activity
Abandoned vehicles, parking and speeding
Repairs and maintenance (Birmingham)
As part of ASB Awareness Week we want to highlight our dedicated webpage with resources and guidance on addressing ASB and how to report it.
When a customer raises a concern, we risk assess the issue, promptly log the details and reach out to them to develop a collaborative action plan. This plan outlines the steps we will take together to address and resolve the issue effectively.
Following the customer feedback received at our roadshows, we are working with our Locality Teams to develop a newsletter for each roadshow updating customers on the action we have taken following their feedback.