About us GreenSquareAccord companies
We offer a range of external services that can complement or support your business.

GreenSquare Estates
GreenSquare Estates is proud to manage and maintain the open spaces on new-build development sites across the South West.
We have carefully developed a unique model for adopting and maintaining areas of open space, drainage features, and play areas, with the capacity to deliver grounds maintenance services to schemes ranging from small rural exception sites to large scale, urban expansion schemes.
Our model aims to provide both excellent customer relations through the delivery of services to residents, but also a financially rewarding contractual agreement for developers and housebuilders, offering significant savings on the commuted sum required with traditional local authority adoption. Our model also offers assurance of service delivery, in perpetuity, to local authorities and residents.
We offer an alternative approach to the traditional management company, adopting the freehold of the public open spaces, in return for an annual, fixed in perpetuity, estate rent charge. In addition, GreenSquareAccord can assist in negotiations with local authorities to vary existing and historic Section 106 agreements, to release significant cost savings to the developer. It has been our experience that negotiations with local authorities have proved more successful due to GreenSquareAccord being a Registered Provider, and our ability to demonstrate our longevity.
Find out more about GreenSquare Estates
GreenSquare Homes
GreenSquare Homes specialise in providing new homes for sale and shared ownership across Gloucestershire, Wiltshire, and Oxfordshire. We offer a range of developments from luxury homes in village locations, to innovative, modern, low-energy homes and cutting edge apartments.
We work with award-winning architects as well as our experienced in-house design team to build both jaw-dropping modern structures and thoughtfully-designed homes that boast warmth and charm.
Find out more about GreenSquare Homes
LoCaL Homes
LoCaL Homes is our advanced housing manufacturer, offering high quality, high performance, low carbon housing solutions across the UK. Providing both traditional and closed panel timber-frame systems that deliver cost, time and quality certainty
We work with our clients to provide designs and products that match our clients’ needs and wants for high quality builds. We can provide a full turnkey service from planning through to manufacture and then construction. Alternatively, we also have experience working with constructors and developers supplying them with our products and offering practical advice and support.
Find out more about LoCaL Homes
Indesign is our in-house architectural team. The team blends cutting-edge design with a resident-led ethos to deliver low cost, high-quality homes that people want to live in. They lead the sector in developing low carbon housing solutions at the same cost of traditional homes which deliver energy savings of 50% and more.
Our team have a wealth of experience in master-planning, public consultation, refurbishment and off-site manufacturing which we put into practice on a range of schemes for both in-house and external clients. As well as social housing we also work in the private residential, community, dementia care and healthcare sectors.
Our expertise in culturally appropriate, sustainable and community-led design, means we are helping to create the safe and sustainable communities of tomorrow.
Planning for Real®
Planning for Real® is a nationally recognised community planning process based on 3D modelling. The process allows residents to register their views on a range of issues, to work together to identify priorities, and in partnership with local agencies go on to develop an action plan for change.
We work with communities to help them have a real say about what happens in their neighbourhoods. We help communities design and run programmes of community engagement so that their voice can be heard on topics such as neighbourhood planning, new housing and regeneration projects and the provision of services.
We are commissioned by local authorities, housing providers and community groups to design and run programmes of community engagement. We offer a range of techniques all of which are visual, tactile, participatory and community-led.