About us Our locality model
We recently launched our locality model – a new approach to make sure the services we deliver meet the needs of customers in our communities.

What is the locality model?
The locality model is a key priority for our organisation; it’s part of our merger promises to ensure our neighbourhoods are invested in and that we continue to have a truly local offer for our customers.
The model focuses on four localities and provides a framework for us to deliver our general needs housing services in a focused, collaborative way that meets the needs of our customers.
You can see which areas the localities cover on our locality map.

How does the model work?
Each locality area has a Locality Board, made up of colleagues from our housing, customer care, estates, assets, surveying and repairs teams.
These groups meet regularly to share local knowledge and insights around areas such as:
- tenancy management
- estate management
- repairs and maintenance
- community involvement
They are responsible for identifying performance issues in these areas and developing joined-up, local approaches to improve services for customers in the communities they serve.
How does this approach benefit customers?
By creating cross-operational teams and working collaboratively at a local level, we can respond to customers' needs faster and deliver our core services more effectively.
This new approach is already having a positive impact on our work. We are confident you will see improvements to the services we provide to you and your local community too.
How will customers be involved?
A customer panel is being set up, which will include customers from across our entire operating area. The panel will help shape our services and ensure the voice of our customers is heard.