About us Projects and partnerships
We collaborate with other organisations to improve our communities.
Matrix Housing Partnership
Matrix Housing Partnership is a unique co-operative providing affordable housing, health and social care services. As a not-for-profit co-operative of housing associations, Matrix responds innovatively to the country’s need for more affordable housing.
The partnership is made up of six highly skilled associations led by GreenSquareAccord and includes Rooftop Housing Group, Trent & Dove, Trident Group, WATMOS Community Homes and Pioneer Group.
We collectively manage over 30,000 homes across the wider Midlands region, employ over 4,000 people, have assets of more than £1.2bn and a combined turnover of over £218m.
Matrix spend annually over £19m on repairs and maintenance services, £17.5m on home improvement programmes and £46m on a range of goods and services in local and often fragile economies; stimulating growth, creating jobs and generating extra economic and social value.
Homes for the South West
Homes for the South West is a group of chief executives from some of the largest housing associations in South West England, including GreenSquareAccord.
We are working together to identify and tackle the barriers to new housing in our region. Our collective voice is making the case for new housing at a local, regional and national level.
We are ambitious about the role we can play together to invest in and build more homes in the South West.
The chief executives of the following housing associations are members of Homes for the South West:
- Abri
- Alliance Homes
- Bromford
- Curo
- GreenSquareAccord
- LiveWest
- Magna Housing
- Plymouth Community Homes
- Sovereign
- Stonewater
- Westward Housing Group
Homes for the South West in numbers:
- We own over 250,000 homes
- Between us we house over half a million people
- We have 25,000 homes in the pipeline over the next five years
- We are ready and able to invest £4bn in new housing
- We have £1.5bn combined turnover
- £1bn annual contribution to local economy
To find out more about Homes for the South West, and for the latest news, visit homesforthesouthwest.co.uk.
We are pleased to be a partner in the Interreg European funded project CHARM. CHARM stands for Circular Housing Asset Renovation & Management. The project aims to reduce the amount of waste in the housing construction sector. The building sector is responsible for more than 60% of resource use in Europe, with more than 30-50% of material use taking place in the housing construction sector.
GreenSquareAccord are building the UK’s first virtually plastic-free homes alongside meeting some challenging recycling targets in construction. In addition, we are working on procurement guidelines for a Circular Economy and a Material Exchange Platform. For more information please contact Mary Doria: mary.doria@greensquareaccord.co.uk
Black Country Retrofit Wrap
The Black Country Retrofit Wrap project is receiving funding of £385,604 from the European Regional Development Fund which has improve the energy efficiency of 24 social housing properties owned by GreenSquareAccord, helping reduce the tenant’s electricity bills.
This will be achieved through treating the properties with a range of innovative retrofit measures to bring the properties up to near to new build performance standards.
All 24 homes will be treated using a whole house wrap using closed panel timber frame construction fabricated at our LoCaL Homes factory in Walsall. The insulation, external cladding, windows, external doors and ventilation will all be upgraded. Solar photovoltaic panels have also been added.
This project will test the use of the LoCaL Homes products’ suitability for taking older properties and transforming them into homes with new build performance standards. For more information please contact Carl Taylor on 0121 442 5091.