West Avenue, Castle Bromwich, Birmingham B36 0EB West Avenue
West Avenue provides dedicated, individualised care and support in an intimate setting, with accommodation for up to three adults with learning difficulties and complex needs.

A well-equipped and homely bungalow, West Avenue scheme is located in Castle Bromwich, Birmingham. With local shops and amenities close by, residents have regular opportunities to put life skills into practice and feel an active, included part of the local community. A shared lounge, dining room and kitchen mean residents have privacy when wanted but regular important opportunities to develop domestic and social skills. The Snoezelen sensory room and garden are multi-sensory environments, offering different smells, textures, sounds and sights to promote relaxation and stimulate mental engagement and communication skills. Levels of support are offered flexibly and in line with the person’s individual needs, maximising their sense of dignity, respect and individuality.
- Three individual bedrooms with ensuite toilet
- Bathroom
- Two lounges
- Dining room
- Kitchen
- Large gardens
- Snozelen room.
Operating hours
Residential, with staff on site 24-hours a day.
Care provision
Residential care for up to four adults, aged 18 upwards with learning disabilities.
Getting a placement
Referrals can be made by Birmingham City Council or by contacting the scheme directly. Admissions are planned with the customer and their family, carers and associated professionals. Information obtained helps to form an initial care and support plan, which is regularly reviewed and amended. Placements are funded by Birmingham City Council.