Repairs and maintenance Electrical servicing
We’ll service the electrical wiring in your home every five years to make sure it’s safe.

It's a legal requirement for us, as your landlord, to test the electrical wiring in your home every five years. We don't charge you for this service.
We’ll use an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) test that checks wiring, electrical equipment and your fuse box. Unsafe wiring could put you at risk of an electrical shock or could cause a fire. The EICR test will check the condition of the electrics in your home and make sure you’re not at risk.
Arranging your EICR test
We’ll contact you a month before your EICR service is due. We’ll write to you with a date for your appointment and offer a morning or afternoon visit.
If your appointment date isn’t suitable, please contact us as soon as possible to arrange an alternative time.
Your appointment
On the day of your appointment, one of our NICEIC-approved electricians will visit your home to check your electrical wiring.
The EICR test usually takes around three to four hours.
The electrician needs access to your consumer unit, so please make sure there’s no furniture or belongings in the way before we arrive. We’ll also need to access all electrical fixtures and fittings, such as switches, sockets and lights.
We won’t check any appliances that belong to you, not us, such as ovens, fridges or washing machines.
If our electrician finds any unsafe wiring, they will do whatever’s needed to make you and your home safe. We may need to come back for another appointment if you need any other electrical repairs after we’ve made your home safe.
After the appointment, we’ll provide you with a copy of your new EICR certificate.
Allowing us access
We need your help in letting our electrician into your home for your EICR test.
If your plans change and you can’t give our engineer access on the day of your appointment, please contact us as soon as you can to arrange a new appointment.
We have to carry out an EICR by law and you agreed to give us access to do so in your tenancy agreement. You could be putting yourself, your family and your neighbours at risk if you don’t let us check the electrical wiring in your home is safe.
We may take legal action, or charge you for the electrician’s time, if you don’t let us into your property or don’t rearrange any missed appointments.
Electrical safety at home
Our electrical safety page has more tips on how to use electricity safely at home as well as what to do in a power cut.