GDASS praised at meeting of domestic abuse support practitioners

Last week, our Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service (GDASS) hosted an event which brought together support services across the county.
The event was organised by Gloucestershire County Council and attended by Anna MacGregor Geographic Lead for the Southwest for the Domestic Abuse Commissioners Office alongside representatives from Gloucestershire Constabulary, GreenSquareAccord, Victim Support and others.
Tessa Davies, Service Manager at GDASS said: “GDASS were delighted to host an event on behalf of Gloucestershire County Council, welcoming Anna MacGregor from the Domestic Abuse Commissioners Office to highlight the excellent work that is being done in Gloucestershire to support those affected by domestic abuse.
“The event focused on the fantastic work of the commissioned providers and the excellent partnership working of the key statutory agencies involved in addressing domestic abuse in Gloucestershire.
“The meeting was a great opportunity to share bast practice among domestic abuse support and advice services and find out more about what is being done to address abuse across Gloucestershire.”
At the close of the event, Anna McGregor praised GDASS and other services for the work that is taking place across the county, particularly highlighting the strong partnerships which have formed to tackle domestic abuse in Gloucestershire.
GDASS provides support to women and men aged 16+ who are victims of domestic abuse. It is managed by GSA and is commissioned by Gloucestershire County Council, with support from the county’s Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.
GDASS has a helpdesk service which is managed by support workers who can offer immediate provision, advice and take referrals for the support packages. The helpdesk is available to those experiencing or are directly affected by domestic abuse and for professionals who are acting on behalf of clients.
You can find out more about GDASS here.