Andrew Rossiter is our new Director of Repairs and Maintenance

We’re pleased to announce Andrew Rossiter as our new Director of Repairs and Maintenance, following a successful secondment to the role and formal recruitment.
Andrew joined GreenSquareAccord fives years ago as Estates Manager, overseeing our open spaces and the caretaking of our communal areas.
Following our merger in 2021, Andrew was appointed to the Head of Estates and amalgamated the Midlands Estates team and the Southern Estates team. He was also responsible for the commercial subsidiary of GreenSquare Estates Limited, maintaining open spaces for over 5,000 private customers.
Earlier this year Andrew was seconded to the role of Director of Repairs and Maintenance, working closely with the operational teams and leadership team to drive forward the repairs efficiency plan and improve our operational performance.
Andrew says: “I’m delighted to be formally appointed to this Leadership Team role. Since joining GreenSquareAccord in 2017 I’ve been given many opportunities to progress and I’m really looking forward to taking on this new challenge and driving forward the performance of our Repairs and Maintenance teams.
“As Director of Repairs and Maintenance I am responsible for responsive and planned repairs, gas (south), electrical service delivery, empty homes management, fleet and estates services. I’m really enjoying the role and the challenges it brings.
“We have a great team in Repairs and Maintenance, and I’m looking forward to consistently delivering an excellent service for our customers.”
Our Executive Director of Operations Rachel Crownshaw says: “I’m delighted that Andrew is now our Director of Repairs and Maintenance. In the past few months seconded to the role, he has led the team from strength to strength and is a great advocate for the team and our customers.
“Andrew has years of experience in the commercial sector before joining GreenSquareAccord, holding Senior Director positions in large organisations, delivering operational success on large scale contracts.
“In his five years with us to date Andrew has role modelled many of the values and behaviours we aspire to in the GSA Way. His experience and strength of leadership will help us move forward to deliver our aspirations for this important service and help develop the fantastic talent we have within the team. I look forward to working closely with Andrew moving forwards on ensuring the services we provide are the best they can possibly be for our customers.”