New Programme Director appointed

On Monday July 15 we will welcome Gary Hardy into his new role as our Programme Director.
Gary joins us from fellow housing association, Midland Heart, where he most recently held the post of Director of Housing. In his previous role, Gary was responsible for a wide range of functions including income management, allocations and housing management.
Commenting on his appointment as Programme Director, Gary said: “I am delighted to be joining GSA at an exciting time for the organisation. I was impressed by what I read about GSA’s culture and aspirations in the 2023-28 business strategy Simpler, Stronger, Better and can’t wait to get stuck in.
“With three decades of experience in our sector, I hopefully bring really relevant experience in performance and change management as well as working collaboratively with colleagues to constantly seek new ways to improve services.
“I work hard to bring teams closer together and I try to involve colleagues in all aspects of change. I look forward to getting to know my new colleagues at GSA in the coming weeks and months.”
Reporting to Jo Makinson our Chief Finance Officer, Gary Hardy has been hired as a Programme Director and will initially be focusing on our Service Charge project.
Jo said: “Gary joins us from Midland Heart, another large housing provider, where he has gained extensive experience of aligning service charge processes and embedding new systems, among many other operational and transformation projects.
“I am looking forward to working with Gary as we seek to deliver improvements to the services we offer our customers.”